Interactive analytics for programmatic data
Real-time data access and intuitive dashboards for Ad Tech platforms: CTV, Exchange, SSP, DSP & Ad Network
If you liked Metamarkets, you'll love Rill
Ad-hoc analytics and real-time insights as events occur
Unified access for live and historical programmatic data
Sub-second data aggregation to query billions of rows of data
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Companies at all stages use Rill.




Our team can help you optimize campaigns across channel, format, and platform in real-time.
Inventory discovery
Marketplace monitoring
Yield optimization
From the creators of Metamarkets
Built on the same platform created for real-time speed at massive scale, the former CTO and co-founder of Metamarkets recently launched Rill Data. Our business case is simple: marketplace visibility drives spend. When your customers have real-time data, it increases trust and engagement with your platform.